This photo of the Domine Quo Vadis is part of one of the panoramic images found on the PanoramicEarth.com Tour of Rome. There are over 100 images taken from around
The name of this building intrigued me as soon as I saw it on the map of
The official name of the church is Chiesa di
There has been a sanctuary on the spot since the 9th century, but the current church is from 1637 and façade added later on in the 17C. It may have previously been the location of Campus Rediculi, a temple to the god or Return. Situated at the junction of the Via Ardeatina with the
Inside the church are a pair of footprints sunk into a marble slab. These are claimed to be the impressions made by Jesus when he mat Peter on the Apian way. It is most likely that this is in fact a pagan offering made in thanks for a successful journey before the church was ever here.
In the catacombs of Saint Sebastian there are inscriptions about a "Domus Petri" (house of Peter) which may support a claim that Peter lived in the area when in
An enlargement of this photo can be found on Flickr.
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