This photo of the Arch of Titus is part of one of the panoramic images found on the PanoramicEarth.com Tour of Rome. There are over 100 images taken from around
Full 360° panorama of the Arch of Titus
The Arch of Titus stands at the entrance to the Roman Forum on the highest point of the Sacra Via. Standing here you can see all the way down the Forum to the west, while to the east at the bottom of the path sits the Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine. Just behind the Arch of Titus is a water fountain, and you are well advised to fill up here on a hot day before wandering around the Roman Forum as there is not a lot of shade among the ruins.
The Arch of Titus was built shortly after the death of Titus by Domitian. It commemorates the sacking of
The panels through the arch show the triumphal procession. In one the treasures of the
Opposite this the relief shoes the actual triumphal procession of Titus in a chariot with the winged goddess Victory placing a wreathe on his head. The horsed are being led by a goddess identified as eithr Roma or Valor. Above the main cornice rises a high weighty attic on which is a central tablet bearing the dedicatory inscription
The Arch formed a blue print for many such arches built subsequently since the 16C.
Full panoramic images from the Roman Forum are found on the Rome tour by PanoramicEarth.com. An enlargement of this photo can be found on Flickr.
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