Having lived in London for some a while, I thought it time to get to know the city better. So, in response to a challenge that it could not be done, I decided to set out to capture London as a series of panoramic images. The project has taken about a year so far, and has now got over 100 panoramic images of London, showing many of the parks and other places of interest. The next thing was how to link them all together to make sense to others who may not have been to London before.
The result: An interactive map with the photos linked to it – The London Map. All run as a java applet and then dropped onto the internet. This for me was my way of a blog on London but without words (hence the irony in typing this lot out!). And how to get it ‘out there’? Well, give it away – provide the java code and encourage others to use it in their own sites.
I hope to keep this project going for a while, but there are only so many sunny days here a year, and this is not a full time job (unfortunately), so progress may be a bit slow.
Still I hope people enjoy the results, unfortunately I haven't figured out how to drop the applet directly into this blog, so you'll have to go to The London Map to find it unless anyone has any bright ideas.
I never did figure out what the statue located in the Moorgate Highwalk photo is about, or just how many people were crammed into Soho Square the day I shot it. I know some of the major landmarks are missing, but St.Pauls Cathedral will be covered in scaffold for at least another year or so, and scaffold mars a lot of locations at the moment.